Walking is as important to my work as my camera, and paint brushes. Not that surprising, perhaps, when you consider that majority of my work is about the landscape – It follows that I would need to visit places for inspiration. Visiting and looking isn’t enough though. I often walk miles and miles in all kinds of weather, crossing terrain that has become as familiar as the back of my hand; or occasionally seeking out new places to explore. I rarely go anywhere just to photograph or draw a certain thing, but merely set out to enjoy the simple pleasure of putting one foot in front of the other, and to savour the new experiences that each walk brings. Anything else that occurs on the journey is a bonus. Having said that, a pack containing a camera, drawing materials and sketchbook; a flask and extra clothing, and anything else that might come in handy, is always available. But I never feel under pressure to make use of it.

I usually decide where to walk on the spur of the moment, and enjoy the spontaneity of this, it becomes more like an adventure. Often if the weather is good and the mood is right, I stop on my journey and take photographs, or to draw or write in a notebook. These walks tend to be shorter and flit from one point of interest to another. I walk both on and off the beaten track, playfully seeking out new ways of seeing or photographing a place. There is enormous pleasure in doing this, and I usually return with a whole new wealth of images and ideas.

On the other hand, sometimes it is nice just to walk, and look, and think. I find that walking is particularly conducive to thinking, and walking through a landscape allows plenty of space to walk through a chain of thoughts or ideas. It is harder to describe the ways in which this kind of walking might contribute to my work. It certainly allows the eyes and the mind to wander; and sights, sounds, thoughts, and experiences, may eventually feed back into the work from memory or the imagination. Perhaps the walking provides an opportunity to reflect, or a new space to occupy whilst chewing over a problem. Maybe it offers a break from the grind; space to breathe and recharge; to play and explore. Like a present to the child inside.

I shot this series of images during my last walk, a walk very much of the first kind. An unplanned trip with a camera along the coast near my home in North West England. The images appear in the order that I walked them.


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All images copyright © 2014 Debbie Yare, All rights reserved


4 Responses

  1. Debbie,

    Not only are your landscape photographs beautiful, but so too are the accompanying words to describe your journeys – particularly your ‘Walking for Inspiration’ piece, which really meant something to me. Have you ever considered compiling a book of your favourite walks, to combine your talents of capturing landscapes in photographs, drawings and writing?

    1. Hiya Jake. Thank you so much for visiting, I’m really pleased you have found something to enjoy in my work. I’m sorry for the late reply, I’m currently travelling away from home.

      To answer your question, I’ve been trying to think of ways that I can bring all of my work together for a while, including the possibility of self publishing a book of the images, and perhaps some sketches too. I hadn’t considered writing very much, as I don’t really see myself as much of a writer. But its really encouraging to read your message, and I’ll definitely consider doing that. I wonder how you found my website, Jake?

      Many thanks.

      1. Hi Debbie,

        I happened across your website by just searching on ‘Landscape Art Photography’. I note with interest that another respondent ‘Bill’, in another area of your site, also suggested you compile a book of your walks and journeys to combine all three of your talents – capturing the ‘sense of place’ in your photography, sketches and equally importantly in your own words.

        May be if two of us thought that, there’s definitely something in it. May be we would be your first customers!

        I note also that you find putting the words together for your blog quite difficult and the words don’t come easy. The resulting output quality of your writing is nonetheless of a very high standard (at least Bill and I think so). It is definitely another art form (and talent of yours) which is helping people connect to the landscapes you love, and helping others enjoy them too.

        Have you ever tried writing from within your landscapes – using them for inspiration, in much the same way as you do with photography and drawing?

        May be, just may be, the words would come much easier and in a much more free-flowing way? Better still let the words come to you as are ‘walking for inspiration’.


        1. Hi Jake,

          🙂 Thank you for writing back and for your thoughts and encouragement. I will certainly consider doing something along those lines and have already dedicated a little extra time to writing and my blog. I will definitely be making notes more spontaneously on visits, and feeding those responses into my blog, or a book with my images. It’s been a real pleasure reading your comments, and hope you will drop in on me here from time to time. 🙂

          All the best,

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